I am officially off of Birth Control. Which, I guess, makes me officially one of those crazy conspiracy theorists.
We quit chemical birth control and started using Naturally Family Planning (which my mom lovingly calls 'Being a Parent in 9 months flat') because I cannot convince myself that BC can't harm my pre-born children. If aspirin can hurt my baby, why couldn't an unnatural amount of hormones? I did a lot of research (at Biblically-based and NOT Biblically-based websites), and nothing I read convinced me that taking the Pill wouldn't hurt a fertilized egg...which is what I like to call 'a baby.'
A lot of research shows that BC won't stop the cell-division of a fertilized egg that has attached itself to the wall of the uterus. Okay, some research has shown that some BC isn't bad at that point. But I define life as a fertilized egg, regardless of where that human life is. I couldn't find much evidence for BC not affecting a not-yet attached (albeit tiny) baby. So, as a Christian someday-mother who loves her pre-born children and is physically sickened by the thought of any form of abortion, how could I take a pill that I cannot feel 100% convinced about?
I asked my doctor about this a few months ago. A woman at church had been talking about birth control not being good for babies, and it really upset me...since I took BC religiously at 9:00 PM. every. single. day. I sat my Dr. down and said, 'This is how I define life: a fertilized egg, regardless of where or how far along he/she is. Be brutally honest with me - is there any evidence that taking this pill could negatively affect that life?' She said 'no.' I repeated myself. She said 'no' again, and with a tone of voice that said, 'Oh gosh, one of those Pro Lifers again. They sure are annoying. Conspiracy Theorists are sooo crazy.' I figured, 'Hey, this woman has been in the medical profession since before I could tie my shoes. She probably knows more than me.' And I'm sure she does... but I will never again trust a word that comes out of her mouth, because she wasn't completely up-front with me. She didn't preface her statement with, 'Some people think...' She just conveyed that, by taking the medicine she was giving me, I could be completely relaxed in knowing that my future children would be the ONLY children God had ever created in me. Or at least that the Pill would have nothing to do with any miscarriages I had.
So here I am. I could be a mom right now and not even know it. I thought typing that would scare the crap out of me, but it didn't. We have completely put our trust in God. Well...and in Natural Family Planning. We aren't really in a position where trying for a baby would be a wise financial plan, but hey - my husband was created to be a daddy. Anyhow, I wanted to put this out there for anyone who still reads this thing. I'm not going to call you a horrible sinner for taking BC... all I want is for you to research it for yourself with an open mind and a prayerful heart.
9 years ago
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