This guy has a ranch on the Mexico/Arizona border. Arizona has the Castle Doctrine. When he finds illegal (read that again: illegal) aliens on his property, he doesn't shoot them; he rounds them up and turns them in to the authorities. Over 12,000 since 1998. The illegal aliens he hasn't gotten to in time have destroyed his fences and equipment, killed his cattled, and broken in to his home. They have left trails of trash [human feces, plastic bottles (some of the cattle have died from ingesting the bottles), used diapers, drug paraphanalia] up to 10 inches deep.
Now he is being sued by 16 illegal aliens for violating their civil rights. Not for killing anyone or physically harming them. For defending his American property from people who had no legal (or other) right to be there. Oh yeah, and 'emotional distress.' All to the tune of $32 million.
Your thoughts?
9 years ago