I'm really not excited about these next four years. Honestly, I wish our president the best. For the good of our nation, I hope he doesn't fall into his old, polar-liberal ways. I hope awesome things are accomplished. I don't foresee that actually happening, but a girl can hope.
I'm tired of pretending I'm okay with liberalism. I have great friends who currently (proudly) consider themselves to be liberal. I say currently because I have a feeling they're going to grow up eventually and realize that being an adult means taking responsibility for your actions, not relying so heavily on the government to bail you out (I'm not talking about on a corporate level), and sometimes it even means assisting other people in not relying on DC to meet all
their needs/wants. You can tell a parent really loves her son when she boots his butt out of the house and makes him look for a job. 'It's time to grow up,' she'll tell him. 'Go get a job. I'm not going to be your enabler anymore. I love you enough to be tough on you right now.' It's not cruel to make someone stop receiving welfare checks after 10 (50?) years. It's giving that person the push to get out there and do something when they clearly didn't have the initiative to do it on their own.
I look forward to the day when these liberal friends of mine wake up and go, 'CRAP! I've really screwed myself over. I'm 35, and I'm paying so many taxes that I can't move up anymore! I'll be stuck right here for the rest of my life.' Isn't the American dream to be better off (financially, emotionally, spiritually, etc) than the previous generation? How on EARTH will that happen now? I guess it's okay to give up on the American dream when, suddenly, everything 'American' is considered bad? I don't want my friends to feel pain and bitterness when they realize they've ruined their children's chance at happiness, but I'm looking forward to having them cross back over to
conservativism - even if that means waiting for it all to fall apart. When it falls apart, that's when people will re-evaluate where we are. Go back to their roots. Remember that the Truth really
does matter.
I don't want
conservativism to be a dirty word anymore. I don't even like the term 'compassionate
conservativism,' because that implies that I, as a conservative, am not generally compassionate. Isn't that the ground-work of being morally based? Love for others? Not in the
conservativism we've seen for the past few years. There has been nothing 'conservative' about the last few candidates the Republican party has paraded in front of us. Maybe they vote conservatively, but I want someone who
lives conservatively.
Guiliani? I would have voted for him just to feel safe at night. I'm a little afraid
Biden was being a bit prophetic. But the guy didn't exactly carry his conservative over to his personal/romantic life. McCain? He didn't seem to care too much about abortion, either way. I'm a huge fan of
Palin, but I don't mind waiting a few years to get to know her better. Am I being too picky? Perhaps. Or maybe we've just given in, little by little, to this liberal way of thought that 'You stay out of my life, I'll stay out of yours - just give the government all your money, and we'll be fine. Also, hand over your morals, 'cause you won't be needing those anymore.'
I'm kind of glad we have 4 years to regroup. McCain just wasn't going to cut it. I don't know who decided he could run on the Republican ticket - they should be kicked out. Maybe 3 years from now, we'll learn that the Republican party has either
disolved or gone back to being the voice of conservatism. If one of those two things fails to happen, I'll never again tell anyone I'm voting R-MO.